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1(学生日志)| 布查德花园的造梦世界 美加游Day-爱登堡国际学校伟长计划

Intro(前言):这篇游记是由去美加游第一天(7.9)的两个队长挑疳积 ,夏境鞠和关瑞子写的清朝完美家庭。一个负责英文游记,一个负责中文。文中照片是从所有孩子们手机相片中挑选出来。不管是文章,还是照片,从孩子们的眼中洞悉的世界钢铁的咆哮3 ,是充满爱与真善美的童话之城。通过这两位队长的文字,升华了今天的行程郭跳跳 ,可以看出她们用稚嫩但却成熟的思想在布查德花园里解析美学清歌一片。
P.s. 为了使孩子们的思想更加直白的展现出来,老师没有做太大更改,最真实的,才是最好的。


Today is the first day of the journey. We set our feet on this beautiful country春染绣塌, Canada. We went to the beautiful Victoria Island.The weather is fine and sunny. The charming scenery captivated us. But the only thing that brightens our eyes is the Butchart Garden.

It was noon.We were sleepy. We entered the gate of the Butchart Garden.The warm sun spread over the thick branches and leaves. Permeating a deep yet shallow light agglomerated and moved vitality. All of a sudden, we didn't feel sleepy.

In the depths of the garden刘丛丹 , flowers in all colors are blossoming.The scene is very dreamy. Even more than the castle in the fairytale world.With the flowers and butterflies, we came to the fairyland spring gate. There was vapor in there. It made us feel like walking between the clouds.

Looking at the swirling water vapor and the clear spring gate. I couldn't help admiring the Butcharts. A hundred years ago, it was just an abandoned limestone mine on Victoria Island. It was the Boucharts and their descendants who built it into the world's top garden for more than a hundred years. The Chinese have "Fool Duke to move the mountains", but that only exists in the myth. Canada's Bouchard Garden is a real gift to the people of the world by the Bouchart and his wife.

How clever and selfless they are! Without their hard work, how could there be a visual feast?吴旻霈So what we're going to do is not just look at the garden,
but learn from them.


维多利亚坐落在安静的温哥华岛中,马车,喷泉星河步兵 ,港湾,漂亮的欧式建筑,各种霸气的车,我梦想中的城市。

其中最令我惊叹的是布查德花园。查德花园共55英亩,是一对加拿大夫妇改造的石矿场,我最喜欢低洼花园。瞭望台上看去低调奋进 ,低洼花园就在脚底之下约50英尺。径两旁分别种了两棵外形美观的侧柏,园中的陡坡上长满常春藤和沾壁藤土星5号。




英文游记:夏境鞠 写
排版及前言:周碧祯 Melinda 老师

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