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加拿大是世界面积第二大的国家,横跨6个时区,幅员辽阔四神煎 。6月至8月气候适宜,是最佳旅行季节。
此次行程是三周(6月中旬至7月初)。三周是无法游完全国的,一次只能选择部分地区旅行。因此必须确定行程的主题,是城市之旅懒人修仙传,文化之旅,休闲之旅,观光之旅,自然之旅,户外自驾之旅,还是探险之旅异世为僧 ?

所以在以下两个选择中择一: 一是东西部穿越游。二是以温哥华为起点的中西部旅行神脉无敌 。
那这第二个选择就是:温哥华, 温哥华岛 ,班芙国家公园 ,Jasper国家公园 ,如有可能--北极地区(育空).。
听说温哥华三周都玩不完,但既然确定是一次自然之旅就将主要选择走出城市进行户外旅行。到温哥华后确定下来具体的路线和行程。去育空需要更长的时间,要看温哥华周边和国家公园的行程时间。可能这次无法安排时间去了,同时BC省北部的Haida Gwaii也需要较长的时间,这次估计无法安排了。


Lonelyplanet Canada 开头视频中描述的Top5是 : Haida Gwaii (世界自然遗产海达瓜依),The Rockies(落基山脉,包括班芙国家公园,Jasper国家公园等),Nahanni National Park Reserve (育空地区的国家公园保护地),Vancouver(温哥华),Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布)。
加拿大是Lonely Planet选出的2017年最佳旅行国家。
1. 签证可以直接在http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/index.asp 网签。
2. 今年开始实行自助通关,需要安装Canborder App.

(Jordan Guo house门口的熊)
以下为Wikitravel Canada对加拿大西部和北部省份的描述。British ColumbiaColloquially known as "B.C.", this province prides itself on being beautiful. From cultured Vancouver刘琦简历 , to charming Victoria截教玄龟, to the iconic ski slopes inWhistler, to the wineries of the Okanagan, B.C. is filled with wonder, both natural and man-made. The province also has the mildest winters in Canada on average (though often cloudy), especially in coastal regions, making it popular with Canadians who are less enthusiastic about winter.Prairies(Alberta,Manitoba,Saskatchewan)Known for their vast open spaces and plentiful resources, the Canadian Prairies are a dynamic set of provinces with some of the most stunning natural beauty in the world. On the western edge of the Prairies, in Alberta lie the mountainous national parks ofBanffandJasper, and on the eastern edge in Manitoba, lies the beginning of the Canadian Shield,谢宗芬 which contains some of the oldest rock on the surface of the earth. The major cities of Calgary,Edmonton, and Winnipeg are modern cities with everything from massive rodeos to high-class museums.
The North(Northwest Territories,Nunavut,Yukon)The Territories are some of the most remote regions on Earth and constitute most of Canada's landmass. Though more known for their unique fauna and landscapes, the Territories also have some interesting human settlements, including Dawson City, a city that looks nearly untouched from the gold rush of 1898, and Iqaluit, Canada's newest territorial capital, which is home to some interestingly adaptive architecture to the harsh climate of the North.
今日语录: We travel not to eacape life, but not let life to escape us. --无名旅行者
今日语录: 纪念白求恩--毛泽东
(After all the places you’ve been and the people you’ve met, what does travel mean to you?)
The freedom to be spontaneous, the challenge of adapting to the world rather than expecting the world to adapt to you, and the opportunity to discover more about yourself by discovering people with totally different lives and experiences while learning to find common ground with them
--加拿大总理 小特鲁多
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