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■ 还有两天,令人振奋的国庆长假就到了!整整八天的假期,光是想想都被笑醒!
Two more days, the exciting National Day holiday is here! A full eight days of vacation, just think of all of them wake up!

■ 上一篇推文里,小编为大家推荐了一些国内旅游景点,但是有些土豪可能都把国内玩乐个遍,下面小编为大家推荐一些国外值得一去地方。
The previous tweets, small make up recommend for everybody some of the domestic tourist attractions, but some local tyrants may be the home to play, here small make up recommend some foreign place worth a visit for you.

印尼 -巴厘岛
■ 巴厘岛是印尼13600多个岛屿中最耀眼的一个岛,是世界著名旅游岛。巴厘岛上大部分为山地,全岛山脉纵横,地势东高西低。岛上的最高峰是阿贡火山海拔3142米杨议的老婆 。巴厘岛是印度尼西亚唯一信奉印度教的地区。80%的人信奉印度教。主要通行的语言是印尼语和英语。
Bali is one of the most dazzling islands of Indonesia's 13美梦成真泰剧 ,600 islands and is the world's famous tourist island. Most of Bali is mountainous, the island mountains are high and the east is low. The highest peak on the island is argonne, which is 3142 meters above sea level. Bali is the only Hindu region in Indonesia. Eighty percent of people believe in Hinduism. The main languages spoken are Indonesian and English.

■ 沙努尔、努沙-杜尔和库达等处的海滩,是岛上景色最美的海滨浴场,这里沙细滩阔、海水湛蓝清澈。每年来此游览的各国游客络绎不绝。由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。因此,它还享有多种别称,如神明之岛、恶魔之岛、罗曼斯岛、绮丽之岛、天堂之岛、魔幻之岛、花之岛等。
The beaches of shur, nusha and kuda are the most beautiful beaches on the island, and the sand is clear and clear. Every year there are endless streams of tourists visiting the country. Because of the Bali 10,000 kinds of customs, scenery is very beautiful. Therefore, it also enjoys a variety of nicknames, such as the island of god, the island of demons, the island of romanes, the island of beauty, the island of heaven, the island of magic, the island of flowers, etc.

马尔代夫 - 天堂岛
■ 马尔代夫天堂岛坐落在北累列北环礁,距离马累国际机场及首都马累大约9.6公里。葱茏的树木读孟尝君传 ,五彩的鲜花,银白的沙滩,尤其让人感到惊叹的是散落在人间的度假天堂,惬意诱人的椰林沙滩,旖旎的热带海洋风光,给每个住在这里的游客留下令人难忘的记忆。
Maldives paradise island is located in the north of the northern ring reef, about 9.6 kilometers from the international airport and the capital horse. Luxuriantly green trees, colorful flowers, silvery white beach, let a person feel amazing especially is scattered in the vacation paradise of the world, comfortable inviting sandy beach, the charming tropical ocean scenery, to give each living here visitors leave unforgettable memories.

■ 正如其名,这里是天堂般的度假胜地。在这里,没有手机、没有internet、没有汽车,没有了都市的烦嚣。可以静静地坐在海边的吊椅上,看海浪的起伏,任凭海风从双肩掠过,带去丝丝的失落,又唤回一些年轻的想象。海滩水清沙幼,海水如蓝宝石般,堪称世界一流,是海泳和冲浪的首选;而林立的珊瑚礁和成群穿梭其间的热带鱼,又使其成为潜水发烧友的梦想之地和海钓者钟情之所。
As its name suggests, this is paradise. There are no mobile phones, no Internet, no cars, no urban hassles. You can sit quietly in a chair by the sea, watching the ups and downs of the waves, and let the sea breeze pass through the shoulders, bring the loss of the silk, and bring back some young imagination. Beach water qingsha young, the water is like sapphire, is the world class, is the sea swimming and surfing first choice; The forest of coral reefs and the tropical fish that swarm through them make it a favorite destination for divers and enthusiasts.

爱琴海 - 圣托里尼
■ 圣托里尼岛,古名为希拉,后来为纪念圣·爱莲,于1207年被改为圣托里尼。圣托里尼是在希腊大陆东南200公里的爱琴海上由一群火山组成的岛环,圣托里尼岛环上最大的一个岛也叫圣托里尼岛,别名锡拉岛。
The island of santorini, known as sheila, was changed to santorini in 1207 to commemorate st. Santorini is a group of volcanoes on the Aegean sea, 200 kilometers southeast of the Greek mainland, and the largest island on the island of santorini is also called santorini, the island of silla.

■ 圣托里尼岛是爱琴海最璀璨的一颗明珠,柏拉图笔下的自由之地,这里有世界上最美的日落,最壮阔的海景,这里蓝白相知的色彩天地是艺术家的聚集地,是摄影家的天堂,在这里,你可以作诗人,也可以作画家,彩绘出你心目中圣托里尼最蓝的天空。在圣托里尼,感受到的,就是每个人印象中的爱琴海了:阳光、蓝天、碧海、还有这里特有的白房子。
Santorini is the most dazzling a pearl in the Aegean sea, the free lands of Plato's works, here are the most beautiful sunset in the world, the most spectacular seascape, blue and white colour heaven and earth to know here is a rendezvous for artists, is a paradise for photographers, here, you can be a poet, can also be a painter, painting out of your mind santorini's blue sky. In santorini, it was the Aegean sea that everyone was impressed with: the sunshine, the blue sky, the blue sea盐焗鸡胗, and the unique White House.

法国 - 普罗旺斯
■普罗旺斯位于法国东南部,毗邻地中海和意大利,从地中海沿岸延伸到内陆的丘陵地区,中间有大河“Rhone”流过。自古就以靓丽的阳光和蔚蓝的天空,迷人的地中海和心醉的薰衣草,令世人惊艳神厨太子妃 。 普罗旺斯境内有艾克斯、马赛等名城,还有阿尔市、葛德市、阿维尼翁、尼姆(Nimes)市等组成,并出产优质葡萄酒。
Provence is located in the southeast of France, bordering the Mediterranean and Italy和空姐荒岛求生的日子,龙一仪 stretching from the Mediterranean coast to the hilly region of the interior, with the river Rhone flowing through it. Since ancient times, beautiful sunshine and blue sky, charming Mediterranean and intoxicating lavender, make the world amazing. Provence is home to famous cities such as aix and Marseilles, as well as the cities of arn, gerde, avignon and Nimes, and produces fine wines.

■ 普罗旺斯从诞生之日起,就谨慎地保守着她的秘密,直到英国人彼得·梅尔的到来,普罗旺斯许久以来独特生活风格的面纱才渐渐揭开莱阳卫校。 在梅尔的笔下“普罗旺斯”已不再是一个单纯的地域名称,更代表了一种简单无忧、轻松慵懒的生活方式,一种宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒的闲适意境。
rom the day of birth, provence was careful to keep her secret until the arrival of Peter meyer, a British man, whose unique style of life has been gradually unraveled since the dawn of provence. In meyer's pen "provence" is no longer a mere geographical name, more represents a simple and worry-free, easy lazy way of life, a kind of yourself, look at the courthouse flowers bloom; Unintentionally, look at the cloud of the sky.

西班牙 -伊维萨岛
■ 这个西班牙小岛,一直是喜欢音乐、沙滩、派对的全球潮人垂青之地;做为世界3大狂野派对之首-全球顶级DJ汇集的Ibiza岛是当之无愧的电音Party朝圣之地;每年7-10月,这的俱乐部挤满了像Mick Jagger和Bono等摇滚明星、Pink Floyd 、欧洲导演Roman Polanski都迷恋Ibiza;从日落狂欢到日出,全球大牌DJ云集,就如同一个超级放大版的Studio 54。
The tiny island of Spain has always been a place for global hipsters who love music, sand and parties; As the world's top three wild parties, Ibiza, the world's top DJS, is the site of a well-deserved electric Party pilgrimage. Every year between July and October, the club is packed with rock stars like Mick Jagger and Bono, Pink Floyd and European director Roman Polanski. From sunset to sunrise, global DJ swarmed like a super magnification Studio 54.

■ Ibiza在很多人的概念里,是一个综合性的名词,它既是一个旅行者的终极目的地,也是Balearic式电子音乐的圣地,也是Chill Out音乐的起源地,更是狂热的音乐派对分子朝圣的天堂。不管是Trance、 House、Hip-Hop、Jungle或雷鬼,全球最顶尖DJ在沙滩旁的舞厅酒吧里媺怎么读 ,不停对着沙滩播放着震耳欲聋的音乐,空气中都是狂放热情无国界的自由气息。
Ibiza in the concept of a lot of people, is a comprehensive term焦双喜, it is not only the ultimate destination, a traveler was a holy site in the Balearic type electronic music, Chill Out music origin, is the fanatical music party molecular pilgrimage heaven. Whether Trance, House, hip-hop, Jungle or reggae, ballroom of the world's top DJ beside the beach bar, constantly to the beach playing loud music, in the air of free breath without borders are wild enthusiasm.

南美洲 - 玻利维亚
Volcanoes, deserts, jungles and the world's largest salt lake... These make up Bolivia, which, in any case脉动梦立方, means entering a country of exciting adventure. Some call it "South America's Tibet" because it is also located on a large plateau, and the landscape is similar. In fact, la paz is about two hundred meters above the height of Lhasa and is the highest capital in the world. The airport at la paz is about eight hundred metres above the sea level at the airport and is the world's tallest international airport.

Bolivia's natural landscape is varied: the vast, flat, mirror-like salt lake is one of the world's greatest, and the multi-colored highland lakes are an eye-opener. Yet one of the world's most dangerous roads brings travelers from the cold, dead highlands to the vibrant subrainforest. Bolivia wants scenic spots of lake titicaca, colonial ruins, jesuits and the amazon basin.

■ 看完以上这些地方,土豪们有没见心动,趁着十月风光真没的时候,带上简单的行囊,开始你的旅程吧!
After seeing these places, the tuhao people have not seen the heart, take advantage of the October scenery really not, take a simple bag, begin your journey!


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