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20 Sichuan Attractions Top-CenturyHoliday
Top 20 Sichuan Attractions 盘点四川20个绝美之境
Sichuan is famed for its extraordinary landscape, sacred mountains and blue-green lakes. It is also home to the adorable giant pandas. If you’re planning a China tour around the Sichuan region, you must see the following list of Top 20 Sichuan attractions.
1 Yading稻城亚丁

Yading Nature Reserve is located in Daocheng county of Sichuan. Boasting a beautiful alpine valley scenery, famous attractions in Yading include the Five-colored Lake, Milk Lake, Chonggu Temple and Luorong Pasture.
2 Mount Gongga

Gongga Mountain is the highest mountain in Sichuan and is also known as “The King of Sichuan Mountains”.
3 Seda 色达

Seda is home to the Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, the world’s biggest Buddhist school founded in 1980s. Now it houses tens of thousands of monks and pilgrims, which constitute the vast majority of the Seda population.
4 Mount Siguniang

Mount Siguniang is also known as Four Girls Mountain, which encompasses four peaks: Daguniang Feng, Erguniang Feng, Sangungiang Feng, and Yaomei Feng.
5 Jiuzhaigou 九寨沟

Jiuzhaigou Valley is a nature reserve and national park located in northern Sichuan Province of southwestern China. It is known for its many multi-level waterfalls, colorful lakes, and snow-capped peaks.
6 Niubei Mountain

Niubei Mountain gains its name from the shape of the mountain top which resembles the back of the bull. Niubei Mountain is a relatively new tourist attraction that was introduced only in 2009.
牛背山因山顶一面悬崖有巨石突出酷似牛头,山脊细长貌似牛背而得名。2009年底,国家地理杂志著名摄影师无意中发现牛背山观景平台,此后牛背山声名鹊起,八方摄友蜂拥而至日本泥浆节 。
7 Danba Tibetan Village

Located at Danba County, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, Danba Tibetan Village is known as the most beautiful village all over China.
8 Muya Golden Pagoda
Muya Golden Pagoda lies at the foot of Yala Mountain in Kangding of western Sichuan province. In the center with surrounding eight mountains, the pagoda is an altar-style Buddhist temple with gold posts.
木雅金塔位于四川省康定县新都桥镇塔公乡境内月下绮谭 ,是是多吉扎西活佛为纪念十世班禅大师于此灌顶布法而修建的佛塔。建造时共用了一百多公斤的黄金,据说寺庙开光时,天空出现五彩祥云,七色光环。
9 Ruoergai Grassland

Located in northern Sichuan, Ruoergai Grassland is home to many Tibetan nomads and rare species of cranes, eagles and vultures.
10 Hailuogou 海螺沟

Hailuogou's Glaciers are typical modern marine glaciers, which are rarely found in low-latitude places. Its lowest point is only 2田黄玉 ,850 meters above sea level and its average temperature in summer is around 25 °C.
11 Mount Emei

Mount Emei is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains in China. Mount Emei has striking beautiful scenery, and is especially famous for its cloudy and foggy sceneries. The changeable cloud and mist pervading in the mountain make Mount Emei more sacred and charming.
12 Xinduqiao 新都桥

Xinduqiao Town is a fairyland known as the "Light and Shadow World" and is also a great location for photography lovers. The magical land has endless grasslands, winding streams, golden cypress, rolling hills dotted and cattle and sheep that graze peacefully.
13 Hongshitan 红石滩

Hongshitan, or Red Stone Beach, is a scenic area of Hailuogou 300 kilometers southwest of Chengdu. It is famous for its red color rocks along the creek.
14 Lugu Lake 泸沽湖

Lugu Lake is located 260km north of Lijiang and is a border lake between Yunnan Province and Sichuan Province. It is known for its peculiar natural scenery and the unique matriarchal culture of the Mosuo people告别紫禁城, that it sill upholds today.
15 Hulu Hai Lake
Hulu Hai is a famous alpine lake in Dang Ling village located east of Xiaqingla (5470 m) called 'Mountain of Beautiful Goddess'. The peak and glacier lake undoubtedly allure not only climbers but tourists also.
16 Jianmen Pass
Jianmen Pass is a mountain pass located southwest of Guanyuan in Sichuan province. The construction of the gate dates back to the Three Kingdoms era for defensive purpose. Jianmen Pass now becomes a major tourist attraction because of its history.
剑门关风景区地处四川省广元市剑阁县城南15公里处卡姆依外传 。三国时倚崖砌石为门,置阁尉,设戍守,谓之剑阁,成为军事要隘。现在已成为国家级旅游胜地。
17 Leshan Giant Buddha

Leshan Giant Buddha is the tallest stone Buddha statue in the world, which was carved out of a cliff face by an 8th-century monk in southern Sichuan province.
18 Langzhong Ancient Town

The Langzhong Ancient City located in northern Sichuan Basin on the middle reach of Jialingjiang River is a famous historic and cultural ancient city in China. It is one of the great four ancient cities in China岑溪人家论坛, with the other three being Lijiang in Yunnan Province, Pingyao in Shanxi Province, and Shexian in Anhui Province.
19 Mount Guangwu 光雾山

Guangwu Mountain scenic resort is located at the northern edge of Bazhong Nanjiang County. Its highest peak rises to a height of over 2,500 meters. The area of the beauty spot accounts for over 400 square kilometers.
20 Xinlu Hai Lake

Xinlu Hai Lake is a beautiful glacial lake in the Tibetan area of western Sichuan Province. Xinlu Hai Lake has long been known to the Tibetan people and is considered a sacred lake in Tibetan Buddhism.
Source: Mafengwo.com
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