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2017 Adventure Camps 探险之营-DaringDuck

Starting on a new location is always surrounded by many preparations and excitement. In this case, it was even more so, as the summer camps were the first tests to see if on Adventure Island (Huo Shao Yu) we can build a national training center for Outdoor Activities.
an overview of one of the camp sites

Adventure Island has certainly prooved that it is a unique location for such ambitions. From the beach to its swimming lake, from the new camping area to the play grounds, from the forests to the mountains, and from the cooking facilities to the indoor meeting rooms, it all contributed to give a fabulous and safe outdoor experience to our scouts and to the final grades of Xiamen International School.
a peek into one of the tents

这个夏天,我们特邀老师的知识和经验也让小朋友们受益匪浅。第一个礼拜,我们迎来了Sid 老师。Sid 老师刚从厦门大学毕业桂聘人才网,并取得医学博士学位。他决定把他在中国的最后几个礼拜留给大胆鸭。最后几个礼拜,Wieteke 老师特意从荷兰过来加入我们,吴必胜 还把她20年来带队童子军们的经验分享给我们,让我们知道学习和娱乐可以互相结合。
This summer the kids also benefited from the knowledge and experience of our guest teachers. The first weeks we welcomed Sid from India. Sid just graduated from Xiamen University as a medical docter and decided to spent his last weeks in Xiamen at Daring Duck. Raj from Singapore was a patient rock for the students and for the last weeks, Wieteke came over from Holland. Wieteke shared her 20 years scouting experience and showed us that learning and having fun go perfectly together.
We thank them for their enthusiasm, creativity and energy. A great thank you and appreciation also goes to all the other people who helped, on and off the island, to make these first camps on Adventure Island a success.
印象照片 - Photo-impression
Below you find a photo-impression of the busiest camp period that Daring Duck has ever had. For a written impression, I can simply refer to this page that Yuk Fan (林彧帆) wrote during the first camp.
Yuk Fan's diary

水上运动-Water Sports
In the summer, water sports are a central part of the activities during our summer camps. Making kids feel comfortable in the water, teaching them new skills such as kayaking and paddle boarding, and letting them face challenges are some of the objectives that are presented to every age group.
doing BIG tasks is teamwork

student or teacher Alice (CN), who has more fun?

how many kids can a paddle board handle?

last day of the camp: competition in teams

the first sailing experiences

after training, it is time to have some fun

Every jump is a challenge with yourself

First Aid, pioneering and archery
The first days we usually start with First Aid and teaching kids pioneering techniques that they will use later on during the camp. With the learned skills they work together to build stretchers for first aid, 6 meter long catapults for the 'battle of catapults' or rafts from barrels and bamboo.
今年我们加入了很多新的活动:射箭、基本的地图阅读能力和一些能让孩子们明白金钱的价值的活动圣金甲虫 。
This year we also included new activities such as archery, basic map reading skills and games to teach kids how to trade and do business.
one of the many ways a scarf can be used in first aid.

Raj (SG) introduces comforting patients & recovery position

Archery is even more fun when guided by Sid (IN)

reading a map is not always easy

making your own compass with needles and a magnet

运动和游戏-Sport and games
Sports and games, both during the day and in the evening, filled many of the other moments. Just as cleaning your tent and the performances on the last evening, where everybody could demonstrate their skills and teams showed brief theatrical plays that they had prepared.
Wieteke (NL) introduces one of her many games

bucket ball gets everybody moving

keeping your tent clean is everybody's job

evening games

Ray's diary of Wieteke's evening game:
"I was walking in front. It was exciting and dangerous. We were very brave!"

One of the most popular activities is always cooking. From Dutch pancakes for breakfast, to lunches and dinners, everybody likes to be part of the cooking team.
Special on Adventure Island is that we cook on real wooden fires. Just as during our winter camp in the mountains in the mountains of Zhangzhou, kids had to go out and collect wood before cooking could start.
Ianna (UA) and Yang (CN) introduce cooking in HUGE pans

working with Andy (CN) guarenteed success for a meal.

the stoves are heated with wood

cleaning the kitchen to prevent animals from coming

开拓创新 -Pioneering
From making tripods to stretchers, from drilling holes to using a saw; pioneering remains one of the most exciting and useful activities of scouting. Look below for some the activities and results of this year's camps.
Manpreet (IN) teaches how to use a drill

using new skills to make a stretcher

holding a stretcher is a heavy job.

but the self-made catapult is even heavier

the 'battle of catapults'; the best way to end a camp

城市之旅 -City trip
在营会期间孩子们会有一天去厦门城市探索雨蝶吉他谱 。每个团队自行安排活动,同时也有一些任务要完成。今年,任务之一是向那些为城市发展作出贡献的人递上一瓶水,并感谢他们做出的贡献。
In the middle of the week the kids explore Xiamen with the city trip. Every team decides their own program. But they also receive some tasks. This year one of the tasks was to give a bottle of water to somebody who helps make the live in Xiamen better and thank her or him for their work.
Inside the railway park of Xiamen

speaking to the city worker

厦门国际学习 -Xiamen International School
To prepare them for the challenges of the last years in school, Xiamen International School (XIS) presents their older students with an outdoor camp. The importance of taking initiative, of cooperation with others and of perseverance are just some of the character skills that get introduced during these days out.

室内设施 - Indoor facilities
厦门国际学校的学生们也充分利用了探险岛提供的空调房室内设施。室内课程内容是让他们在最后一年级学会自立,最终走向成功。也只有这样李贤镇 ,户外活动的挑战才算圆满成功。
XIS also made good use of the air-conditioned indoor facilities that Adventure Island offers. Outdoor challenges were succeeded by indoor class sections that prepared them for a school-year during which the students have to rely more on themselves and their self-discipline to succeed.
a relaxed but serious atmosphere in the smaller class room
making round pancakes is too boring

搭建竹筏 - Making a raft
野营第二天才是最具挑战性的一天唐璜的回忆 。我们承诺给他们一顿美味的烧烤,但前提是他们要能搭建起成自己的竹筏并到湖中央的岛上取得食材。这也在是为了给他们证明18个复韵母 ,只要有恒心没有团队会饿肚子。:-)
The second day presented the biggest challenge. A nice BBQ was promised, but a reliable raft had to be made to get the food from the island in our lake. It says something about their perseverance that no team went hungry :-)
a good raft needs serious planning

for a good raft you need various skills

a good raft needs team work

time to pick up their BBQ food

'will our torpedo style be faster than the square rafts?'

Farewell & see you again
We thank all attendees of this year's summer camps for the wonderfull time that they have given to us. We thank the parents for the trust that have given us and for the many comments that we received after the camps.
Every year, we see kids coming back who have participated in previous Daring Duck activities. We hope to see you all again and wish that we have taught you some usefull skills and that we have given you pleasurable memories of the summer of 2017. You certainly gave that to us.
The first camp, with many kids from Beijing

2017 other activities
我们很想念周末俱乐部的会员们,因此9月9日我们立刻开始每周的童子军俱乐部。We miss our regular scouting members, so on September 9th we immediately start our weekly scouting clubs again.
下一期探险之营将会于10月2日星期一到10月6日星期五举行。The next Adventure Camp will be held from Monday October 2-nd to Friday October 6th
9月9日后,我们重新开始接待公司活动和家庭活动After September 9th we can also start again our company activities and family activities.
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【关于我们】Daring Duck国际户外成长营地旨在推广挑战愉悦,清新健康的国际性户外文化活动,以及欧美青少年Scouting户外成长经验(8-18岁)。
Sailing club, scouting and other outdoor activities for adults and for youths from 8 till 18 years.
【微信账号】Webchat: gracewisdom (或)格威成长-大胆鸭
【如何关注】点击右上角 … ,点击“关注官方账户”,添加关注
Active every weekend on Adventure Island (Huo Shao Yu)
上一篇:杨毅老婆 下一篇:佐杜洛夫斯基的沙丘

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