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2 可鑫讲故事:《狮子王》故事连播-英国文化园爱杀十七

可鑫在朗读这本书时开始接受更高层次的朗读训练百鸟朝凤简谱 。妈妈觉得可鑫朗读训练至今,已能达到朗诵的基本要求:声音响亮、发音清晰,能够把握朗读的节奏,收放自如,有抑扬顿挫之感,并逐步在朗读时融入感情鲥鱼的做法。妈妈于是请可鑫在朗读故事前用心体会;然后,进入角色,用不同的语气来朗读故事中各个角色说的话,以表现这些角色当时的心理活动和情感体验。
The Lion King 2
Suddenly Zazu swooped down and squawked, "Hyenas in the Pride Lands!"
Mufasa frowned. "Zazu, take Simba home."
"Aw, Dad, can't I come?” Simba whined.
Mufasa shook his mighty mane. Fighting savage hyenas was no job for a cub.
Later, Simba asked his Uncle Scar about the shadowy place. An evil plan formed in Scar's mind. "Only the bravest lions go to the elephant graveyard"探虚陵现代篇 , Scar told him. He knew the foolish cub would go there just to prove his bravery.
Scar was right. Simba couldn't wait to go to the elephant graveyard with his best friend, Nala. But how could they go with Zazu watching every move they made?
"We've got to ditch the dodo加莫娃 ," Simba whispered.
Nala giggled and agreed. Soon the two friends found a way to escape their feathered baby-sitter.
Before long the young lions had reached the dark, mysterious place beyond the borders of the Pride Lands. Giant bones poked out of the ground.
"It's kind of scary," Nala whispered.
"Let's check it out," Simba said. "I laugh in the face of danger. Ha-ha-ha!金默玉 "
"Hee hee hee!" cackled three mean hyenas袁振洋 , Shenzi, Banzai and Ed. "Look, boys高校龙中龙 ! A king fit for a mealupu小说网 !" sniggered Shenzi.
The cubs ran but soon found themselves cornered.
Simba stepped bravely in front of Nala and tried to roar. "Rrr... rrr, rrr...”
The hyenas laughed and jeered. Simba opened his mouth to try again. This time, the elephant bones rattled with a thunderous ROAR!
The hyenas were confused. And so was Simba一锅双星, until Mufasa sprang into view. The mighty lion chased away the hyenas. Zazu had seen the cubs in trouble and flown for help.
Mufasa told Zazu to take Nala home. Then he scolded Simba for disobeying him.
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